
Actions in the Netherlands

What Happened In The Netherlands Until Now?

*** Convenant signed ***

18th November 2022: Netherlands becomes the 6th country in the world with an official peat reduction strategy for the substrate sector! We are honoured to be one of the signing parties of this groundbreaking agreement and will be part of this process as member of the steering group.

Full description and the English translation and the publication in the government gazette..

The Netherlands is the biggest peat importer in the EU. Until recently, there was hardly any awareness of this ecological vandalism.

After years of hibernation, the subject was quickly picked up again in 2021!

  1. Inspired by the British peat ban, Karin wrote an article in Het Parool…
  2. ... followed by a radio interview for Vroege Vogels.
  3. A parliamentary enquiry by PvdD explicitly referred to this interview.
  4. We had direct contact with MPs Derk Boswijk (CDA) and Laura Bromet (GroenLinks), who handed in a motion about the possibility of a peat ban. The motion was accepted with a whopping 80%, with only the parties of the extreme right voting against it.
  5. Recently, we were interviewed by Trouw…
  6. ... and Tuin en Landschap for articles about peat...
  7. ... and by omroep gelderland for a tv interview and an article..
  8. Karin wrote an article for Groei & Bloei.
  9. Philipp wrote an article for the Volkskrant
  10. ... and we were named in the Libelle.
  11. We signed the Peat Convenant! This even reached the international press. See this article in the German trade journal taspo.
  12. Karin gave her second interview for the radio show Vroege Vogels (interview starts at 50:43)
  13. Karin wrote an article for OASE
  14. We wrote an article for The Optimist, in which we are describing the convenant.
  15. The convenant is mentioned in many journals and newsletters. We´re happy that we could notify the German trade journal taspo and in the newsletter of NL Greenabel about this contract.
  16. For this article , Karin was interviewed by RTLnieuws.
  17. For this article in Het Financieele Dagblad several convenant parties and we have been interviewed.
  18. Philipp was interviewed by Greenity about the Dutch peat convenant (photo van het artikel, geen preview beschikbaar).
  19. A large investigative journalism study by Nathalie Bertrams, Ingrid Gercama, and Tristen Taylor reveals tricks of the peat industry. See here the German original article and our English translation.
  20. Karin wrote an article in Trouw about ornamental plants. See the English translation here.
  21. Marijke Akerboom of Kwekerij Ninabel and Karin Bodewits of Stichting Turfvrij are interviewed for this article in Dagblad van het Noorden.
  22. Karin was interviewed by RTL Nieuws, which resulted in an article and a news piece on tv. (from 12:24 on).
  23. Karin wrote an article in Het Parool about ornamental plants' lack of ingredient lists.
  24. We were interviewed for a special issue on peat in growing media by FloraCulture International.
  25. Philipp wrote several articles arguing that academic institutions shouldn´t collaborate with fossil fuel companies (NRC Handelsblad and C2W).
  26. Stichting Turfvrij is genomineerd voor de Top 15 van de Gouden Eekhoorn Award van ASN bank.
  27. Philipp was one of the intervew partners for an article about the peat industry, published in Tagesspiegel Background.

The subject has already received a lot of publicity: see also articles by:

Patrick Janssen

Loethe Olthuis

Jelmer Mulder

 By now, most larger shops offer at least one peat-free alternative.
